Can you believe that it is just FIVE short months to Christmas--yes, I said FIVE. I am amazed how fast time seems to move as an adult--I recall it being much S L O W E R as a child! It seemed like it would take FOREVER for my birthday to come, or for Halloween, or for the holidays; and now, they are here before we know it. Funny how that is.
Last year, I chose to have a handmade holiday for my family--partially financially induced, but partially because I wanted to give them T I M E. With the handmade holiday, I made all the presents for my family by hand...crocheted, sewed, crafted, cooked...everything friends and family got from me was made by me! It was a financial relief for me. It gave me an incredible sense of accomplishment and pride in knowing that I created for my family and friends. But it was more than friends and family truly appreciated their gifts from me--they understood that I made time for them. It is with that feeling that I bring you this challenge. Join me in a making for your family and friends a crafty handmade holiday!
The Rules
1. make an item [or 2 or 3] that is a gift for someone you give to during the holiday season. You can make as many gifts each month as you wish as long as they are unique.
2. post an image of it somewhere that is linkable to this blog--if you have a blog, post it there. If you don't have a blog, you can post to your facebook, to your online photo account, anywhere you can share electronically with us.
3. add you information to the INLINKZ at the bottom of this post: name, link to the project, email. This inlinkz is name link only..that way in order for folks to see your wonderful project they will have to click on over to it--creating blog traffic for those of us with blogs.
4. The deadline is the 24th of each month giving us 5 months to create and share!
If you choose you can add the challenge button to your blog!
<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>
Added button to my Christmas challenge blog ! :) X Fab